How to Drive Safely During the Holidays

Every year an average of 343 people die during the Christmas holiday due to unsafe driving. It’s also the busiest time of the year for traffic injury lawyers. Whether it’s going over the recommended speed limit,weather-related accidents or other circumstances,there are ways to avoid car accidents during the holiday season. Here is a list of ways you can learn how to drive safely during the holiday season.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

During the holidays,you can expect an increase in traffic. Traffic increases due to people shopping,traveling to family and many other reasons. Whatever the reason,you need to be aware of your surroundings. Depending on where you live,you may see some deer or other animals. This can be a safety hazard to not only you but to other drivers as well. It’s always best to drive the recommended speed limit and be cautious when coming near wooded areas or open fields. You should also be aware of other drivers and if they’re turning,passing you in the next lane or driving recklessly. If you spot a reckless driver,try to stay away and call 911.

Prepare for Any Situation

If you’re like me,bad luck strikes at the worst time. Be prepared for any kind of situation such as injuries,flat tire or even a dead battery. It’s recommended by doctors to always keep an emergency first aid kit in your car for any sort of situation. As for a flat tire,make sure you have a spare with you as well as something that can help you fix a flat tire if the hole is small enough. If you experience a dead battery,it’s always a great idea to make sure you have jumper cables or even a small machine that will help you start your vehicle up without needed another vehicle. It’s highly recommended that you make sure your car is up to date on any repairs needed before traveling.

Avoid Any Distractions

According to recent studies,over 1.6 million accidents are caused by texting and driving. You don’t want to need to hire a car accident attorney so never look at your phone while driving! Always pull over or wait until you get to your destination to text or call back. Children can also become distractions for parents while driving,so you should plan ahead of time for situations such as the kids being cold,hungry or thirsty. Pullover frequently for leg stretching and bathroom breaks to avoid any bathroom accidents.

Watch For Weather Warnings

Although it may vary for different cities and states,weather plays a huge role in collisions during holidays. Before planning any trips to see family or go shopping,check your local weather forecast to determine if it is safe enough to go out or prepare for traveling. If it snows,you should prepare for slick roads and black ice. Bring warm blankets,a windshield ice scraper and other emergency items in case you get stuck. If it rains,it’s best to make sure you drive slowly as well as try to be aware of other drivers and for flooded areas.